The Supplejack Client is a library to abstract the interaction with the Supplejack API. It connects to the Supplejack API, and allows you to treat models as if they were in a local database.

For more information on how to configure and use this application refer to the documentation.


Add it to your Gemfile:

gem 'supplejack_client', git: ''

Run bundle install:

bundle install

Run the installation generator:

rails g supplejack:install

An initializer was created at config/initializers/supplejack_client.rb

You should set the variables needed by the Supplejack API:

  • Api Key
  • Api URL

To start using Supplejack gem you have add the following line to any plain ruby class

class Record
  include Supplejack::Record

Then do or Record.find(id)

Search params

Param name Default value Details
text ’’ Text to be searched
geo_bbox not defined A geographic bounding box scoping a search to a geographic region. Order of latitude-longitude coordinates is north, west, south, east. The following example searches the Wellington region: &geo_bbox=-41,174,-42,175
record_type 0 DNZ specific natlib to search through its ‘authorities’. Normal records are 0, authorities are 1.
page 1 Page to display
per_page Supplejack.per_page Items per page
and [ ] and for filter results from search
without [ ] without filters to exclude results from search
facets not defined Array of facets to display
facets_per_page 0 Number of facets per page
fields Supplejack.fields Fields to be returned
query_fields not defined All fields to be searched by text
ignore_metrics not defined If set, api requests will be ignored from metrics
solr_query not defined ?
sort not defined Define a facet to be ordered by
direction asc Define a sort direction
exclude_filters_from_facets false Set this value to true in order to exclude filters from facets so you can retain facets values while drilling down the search

More like this

For this to work [:mlt] should be configured to a field in the Record Schema.

Then do, options).records. This will return an array of SupplejackRecords.

record_id is available on SupplejackRecord in .record_id. options can include the fields with which the relatedness is queried for and the frequency. Frequency is the number of times words should show up in a record filed to make the similarity relation between them.

Example { mlt_fields: [:title, :description], frequency: 2}, default frequency is 1.


Below is the sample config/initializers/supplejack_client.rb file that comes with supplejack website. You need to modify it if you make any changes in supplejack record schema.


  • It is very important that you specify config.fields in supplejack_client.rb correctly. The fields must be declared in supplejack api record schema.
  • The config.facets list facets to be returned from the api. The facets must be declared in supplejack api record schema.
  • Supplejack demo website and supplejack api are highly dependent on each other. For example: In supplejack website ‘s supplejack_client.rb file, config.facets lists category. category facet is used to build search tab in supplejack website, check out Github code. It is declared in supplejack api record schema as a facet. If you want to rename category differently eg type, you need to update the code accordingly.
  • For a full list of configuration options, see the base config
Supplejack.configure do |config|

  # ===> Credentials
  # Use the api_key for your Supplejack user
  # Please replace XXXX with your own api key
  config.api_key = API_KEY
  # ===> End point
  # For production use default url which is
  config.api_url = API_HOST
  # ===> URL Format
  # This is the format use for the url's in the application
  # The default is the item hash which looks like: "text='dog'&i[content_partner]=NLNZ&i[type]=Images"
  # config.url_format = :item_hash
  # ===> Facets
  # The is the list of facets that are going to be requested to the api
  # When you ask for the facets, they are going to be ordered in the
  # order presented here
  config.facets = [
  # ===> Facet values sorting
  # By default facet values are sorted by whatever solr returns.
  # The sorting options are :index and :count
  # :index means lexical sorting (Alphabetical)
  # :count means is ordered by the number of results for each facet value
  # config.facets_sort = nil
  # ===> Fields
  # This is a list of fields/groups that will be requested to the API for every
  # record. :default will return the default set of fields.
  config.fields = [

  # ===> Number of facet values
  # This will limit the number of facet values returned for each facet
  # Be carefull not to make it too high for performance reasons
  # config.facets_per_page = 10
  # ===> Per Page
  # Number of results returned per page
  # config.per_page = 20
  # ===> Timeout
  # By default the request to the API will timeout after 30 seconds
  # config.timeout = 30
  # ===> Single value methods
  # Some of the values returned by the API are actually multiple values
  # so they are returned as a array. But most of the time we are only intereseted
  # in one of those values. Here you can define which values would you like to
  # be converted to a string.
  # config.single_value_methods = [
  #   :email
  # ]
  # ===> Search attributes
  # The search object can store any number of attributes which are actually
  # the filters passed to the search
  # Here you can define which attributes you want the search to accept.
  # This is going to allow you to do:
  #   search = 'dog', i: {type: 'Images'})
  #   search.type
  config.search_attributes = [
  # ===> Record klass
  # Name of the main model throught which you interact with the Supplejack API
  # This is used to initialize objects of this class when the list of
  # favourites is fetched.
  # config.record_klass = "Record"
  # ===> Enable Debugging
  # Set this flag to true in order to get display errors and the actual SOLR requests
  # in the logs generated by the API.
  config.enable_debugging = true
  # ===> Enable Caching
  # Set this flag to true in order to cache the facet_value response and the search counts
  config.enable_caching = false
  # ===> Enable Request Logging for Usage Metrics
  # Set this flag to true in order to enable logging
  config.request_logger           = true
  # Specify which field from the record model is to be logged
  config.request_logger_field     = :primary_collection  