The heart of the Supplejack API is the Schema. The Schema defines the fields for each record and how those fields should be stored and searched. It also defines the different user roles and any restrictions for those roles.

When you first install the Supplejack API a default Schema file is created (see the code at the bottom of the page for a copy). This gives you a template to start working from but you do not have keep any of the fields which are defined in the example. By default the schema file is created at the following location app/supplejack_api/schema.rb.

It is important that you have set up schema correctly as other components eg Supplejack Manager is dependent on it

Schema basics

To start your Schema from scratch you first need the class definition.

class Schema
  include SupplejackApi::SupplejackSchema


You must name your class Schema and it must include SupplejackApi::SupplejackSchema so that compulsory fields and groups are included in your Schema.

# Supplejack API core fields, these fields are automatically added to your Schema.
:internal_identifier,   # Use to store record identifier. It is expected that you would create this value.
:status,                # Used by Mongoid to mark the record as deleted.
:landing_url,           # A url to view the record.
:created_at,            # When the record was created.
:updated_at             # When the record was last updated.

# You can view the core fields on a record by adding &fields=internal_fields to a request
# e.g. http://localhost:3000/records/1.json?fields=internal_fields

Once you have defined your class you can begin adding fields, groups and roles. For more details about how to do this you can view the Schema DSL documentation. You must define at least one group and role, and mark them as default, before you can view records from your API.

Field definition

Field definition is important. The format is [field_type] [field_name], [options]

For example, if you want a field called title of type String

   string        :title,          search_boost: 1, search_as: [:filter, :fulltext]
[field_type]  [field_name]        [options]
Keywords :book:
  • search_as: Define search behavior, :filter means the field is facetable, :fulltext means searchable
  • store: Make the field writable to DB, default is true
  • search_boost: Define Solr search priority

There are 6 field types: string, integer, datetime, boolean, latlng, and text. You can refer to sample record schema as example.

Aliasing and Solr name

If you need to create an alias or a virtual field, you can do that using the search_value.

  # Alias thumbnail_url with thumbnail
  string    :thumbnail do
    store false
    search_value do |record|

You can also change the name of the Solr field using solr_name.

  # Store "name" in Mongo but search as "full_name" in Solr.
  string    :name do
    search_as [:full_text]
    solr_name :full_name

  # Or using shorthand version
  string    :name,    search_as: [:full_text],    solr_name: :full_name

Some common issues

  • If you already have records saved in Mongo you will have to resave them each time you update your Schema before you see any change in what is returned from the API.
  • Fields that are already saved will not be removed from the record, in Mongo, if you remove that field from the Schema.

Example Record Schema

class RecordSchema
  include SupplejackApi::SupplejackSchema

  # Namespaces
  namespace :dc,        url: ''
  namespace :sj,        url: ''

  # Fields
  string    :record_id,                   store: false,                                           namespace: :sj
  string    :title,                       search_boost: 10,     search_as: [:filter, :fulltext],  namespace: :dc
  string    :description,                 search_boost: 2,      search_as: [:filter, :fulltext],  namespace: :dc

  string    :display_content_partner,                           search_as: [:filter, :fulltext],  namespace: :sj
  string    :display_collection,                                search_as: [:filter, :fulltext],  namespace: :sj
  string    :source_url,                                                                          namespace: :sj
  string    :thumbnail_url
  string    :subject,                     multi_value: true,                                      namespace: :dc
  string    :display_date,                                                                        namespace: :sj
  string    :creator,                     multi_value: true,                                      namespace: :dc
  string    :category,                    multi_value: true,    search_as: [:filter],             namespace: :sj

  # Groups
  group :default do
    fields [

  group :core do
    fields [:record_id]

   # Roles
  role :developer do
    default true
  role :admin

  mongo_index :source_url,         fields: [{source_url: 1}]



The example record schema comes with the default supplejack api installation. Supplejack demo website is dependent on it so you should not modify it.

However, if you modify the schema, you need to modify supplejack website as well if you want to use it. Please refer to Supplejack Website to know what to modify.


To start using Sets, you need to define two groups on the RecordSchema. These groups are :sets and :valid_set_fields.

The :sets group acts as the default list of fields that will be used to display records inside of a Set.

The :valid_set_fields group acts as a way to validate additional fields that have been passed to a user set.

For example, when you are querying for User Set data /sets/SET_ID.json?fields=name, the passed field will need to be in the :valid_set_fields group, otherwise it will be ignored.

Example Set Groups

group :sets do
  fields [

group :valid_set_fields do
  includes [:sets]
  fields [

Now, when you use Sets, the records inside of a set will display the title and description fields. A user will also be able to request the additional name field using the fields parameter.

Concept Schema

To start using Concept, you need to define a new Schema definition called ConceptSchema.

Note: You must name you class ConceptSchema and it must include SupplejackApi::SupplejackSchema so that compulsory fields and groups are included in your Concept schema.

Once you have defined your class you can begin adding fields, namespaces, groups and roles.

Example Concept Schema

class ConceptSchema
  include SupplejackApi::SchemaDefinition

  # Namespaces
  namespace :dcterms,     url: ''
  namespace :edm,         url: ''
  namespace :foaf,        url: ''
  namespace :owl,         url: ''
  namespace :rdaGr2,      url: ''
  namespace :rdf,         url: ''
  namespace :rdfs,        url: ''
  namespace :skos,        url: ''
  namespace :xsd,         url: ''
  namespace :dc,          url: ''

  # Fields (SourceAuthority fields)
  string      :name
  string      :prefLabel
  string      :altLabel,                  multi_value: true
  datetime    :dateOfBirth
  datetime    :dateOfDeath
  string      :biographicalInformation
  string      :sameAs,                    multi_value: true
  string      :givenName
  string      :familyName
  integer     :birthYear
  integer     :deathYear

  group :source_authorities
  group :reverse

  model_field :name, field_options: { type: String }, search_as: [:fulltext], search_boost: 6, namespace: :foaf
  model_field :prefLabel, field_options: { type: String }, namespace: :skos
  model_field :altLabel, field_options: { type: Array }, search_as: [:fulltext], search_boost: 2, namespace: :skos
  model_field :dateOfBirth, field_options: { type: Date }, namespace: :rdaGr2
  model_field :dateOfDeath, field_options: { type: Date }, namespace: :rdaGr2
  model_field :biographicalInformation, field_options: { type: String }, search_as: [:fulltext], search_boost: 1,  namespace: :rdaGr2
  model_field :sameAs, field_options: { type: Array }, namespace: :owl

  # Use store: false to display the fields in the /schema
  model_field :title, store: false, namespace: :dc
  model_field :date, store: false, namespace: :dc
  model_field :description, store: false, namespace: :dc
  model_field :agents, store: false, namespace: :edm