
Fields are defined using the following syntax:

type name options do


  • type is the type of the field. Must be one of [string, integer, datetime, boolean].
  • name can be any valid ruby identifier (i.e. must not start with a number or a Ruby reserved word).
  • options (all optional):
    • search_boost is an integer passed to Sunspot/Solr to increase the search relevance by the given factor. Default: 1.
    • search_as determines whether the field can be searched a filter, fulltext, more like a record(mlt) or a combination of the 3. Valid values are [:filter], [:fulltext], [:mlt] or [:filter, :fulltext, :mlt]. Default: []. Detailed explanation of these configurations are below.
    • store is a boolean value which determines whether the field is stored in the Mongo database or not. Default: true.
    • multi_value is a boolean value which determines whether the value is stored as an array or single value. Default: false.
    • solr_name is a string which is the name of the field in Solr. Default: field’s name.
  • block
    • search_value is a Ruby Proc which produces the value which should be indexed by Solr. The block is executed when the field is indexed. Must be the same type as the field’s type. Default: nil.
# Examples

string  :name,     search_as: [:filter, :fulltext]

string  :address,  search_as: [:fulltext]

string  :email,    search_as: [:fulltext], multi_value: true

# Create a full text field that is stored in SOLR but not in Mongo
string  :fulltext  do
  search_as: [:fulltext]
  store: false
  search_value do
    text = []
    [ :name, :address, :email
    ].each do |f|
      value = record.public_send(f)
      text << value if value.present?
    text.flatten.join(" ")
  solr_name :text

Search as configurations


The fulltext option indexes the field so it can be searched using the text parameter. For example, using the fulltext option on a title and description field would allow records to be found by any words appearing in these two fields.


The filter option indexes fields so that queries can be filtered on a specific value of that field. Example query for category = books


This enables the “more like this” feature of Solr. when [:mlt] is configured with a field, Solr indexes the “relatedness of records” based on the fields with this option enabled. Query the api to return similar records using /records/$record_id/more_like_this.


Groups allow you to collect several fields together and reference them using a single value.

Groups are a set of fields which are returned from the API. There must be a single default group which is returned when no explicit group is requested.

The groups are exposed via the fields URL parameter, such as

A group consists of:

  • name is a ruby identifier, must be unique. Required
  • default is a boolean determining that this is the default group for a query. At least one of the following must exist:
  • fields is an array of symbols defining the fields in that group. The fields must be defined (see above).
  • includes is an array of symbols signifing that all fields from the given group(s) are included in this group.
group :default, default: true do
  fields [

group :all_fields do
  includes [:default]   # NOTE: Groups can include other groups
  fields [
// Sample requests with different groups
  "record": {
     name: "Joe Smith",
     address: "123 Smith St, Wellington, New Zealand"

  "record": {
     name: "Joe Smith",
     address: "123 Smith St, Wellington, New Zealand",
     age: 32
     gender: "male"
     email: ""
     phone: "07 123 5457"


Roles are assigned to users, to attach field and record restrictions easily. There must be a single default role which is used when a new user is created.

A role has field and restrictions. A field restriction means that the field value is hidden from the user, whereas a record restriction means that the whole record will be hidden from the user. This is useful if you have internal data (like URLs etc) which can’t be given to external users.

The groups consists of:

  • name is a ruby identifier, must be unique. Required
  • default is a boolean determining that this is the default role for a new user. Both are optional:
  • field_restrictions is a Hash where the key is the field to match, and the value is another Hash, the key of which is value of the field to match, and the value is the field is restricted. The value of field to match can either be a single string or a RegEx.
    • The example above restricts the attachments field when the collection is NZ On Screen and large_thumbail_url field when it includes
  • record_restrictions is a Hash. If the hash key is equal to the hash value for the record, then the record is restricted.
    • The example above restricts records where access_rights is false if the request’s API key has a developer role.

Mongo Indexing

By default Supplejack does not index fragments. You should set this up yourself.

All the fields that you define in the schema will be part of the Fragment. You shoul index those fields using the mongo_index DSL.

mongo_index :status, fields: [{status: 1}]

See the main Example Concept Schema example in Creating Schemas for a demonstration of setting up Mongo Indexing.

Record Fields

You can specify the fields that you want to be part of the Record model instead of the Fragment by using model_field DSL.

model_field :landing_url, field_options: { type: String }, index_fields: { landing_url: 1 }, index_options: { background: true }, validation: { url: true }