
The link checker is a component of the the DNZ harvesting stack. It’s primary purpose is to ensure that records’s landing_url are still available, thus ensuring that the overall quality of records is high.

In regard to the link checker, whenever collection is used, it refers to the primary_collection.


Source Checking (On Demand)

When a source_url (such as http://api.digitalnz.org/records/23141109/source) is accessed, the API submits the link to the link checker.

This gets processed according to the Link Checking Report page for that collection. See below.

Once the rule has been run against the record, it’s state (active or supressed) will be updated if necessary.

Collection Checking

Every 2 hours, the 2 oldest and 2 newest records, by syndication date, from each collection are checked. If all records fail their collection rules (below), the collection is marked as suppressed. After 3 further attempts (so 4 in total) with exponential back-off, the collection is marked as deleted.

Manually Suppress Collection

If a harvest operator knows that a specific collection is going to be down or if they need to remove the collection’s items from the API they can do so via the Suppress Collections interface of the harvester. An operator can see which collections are suppressed, and add or remove collections.

Note: Marking a collection as suppressed doesn’t delete the collections items (and are thus still available if you their id), they are just added to the API Suppressed Sources and don’t show up in search results.

Collection Rules

The Collection Rule defines what it means for an item to inaccessible. The Collection Rule defines:

  • Collection title: the primary_collection for which this rule applies to
  • Xpath: If this expression evaluates as true or returns elements against the returned document, the record is deemed to be inactive. Examples:
    • //p[@class="error"]
    • //a[@href="#intro"]/h1/span
    • //h1/span[text()[contains(.,"boost")]]
  • Status codes: If any of these comma-separated, regular expression status codes match the HTTP status code returned, the record is deemed to be inactive. 404 is assumed to be an invalid code, so doesn’t need to be added explicitly. Examples:
    • 301,302
    • 301,4..,50.
  • Throttle: The delay (in seconds) between requests being sent to the content partner. Analogous with throttle in the parser DSL

  • Active: This activates link checking activities for that collection - so when the link checker comes across broken links (eg 404’s) the record will be suppressed.

Network Health Awareness

The link checker is aware of it’s internet connectivity. It attempts to get the www.google.com homepage every 5 minutes, and if it isn’t successful a global active flag is un-set. This means that if there is an issue with internet connectivity, DNS or other network issues the link checked doesn’t bring down all collections in one fell swoop.


Statistics on the number of links activated, suppressed and deleted on a given day are shown on the Manager Link Checking Report page. This is also emailed to Harvest Operators

Nitty Gritty Technical Details

Relationship between the Manager, the API and the Worker

The Manager houses all the setup of the collection checking and the rules. The Manager provides an interface to the API Suppressed Sources to manually suppress and active whole collections. The work to actually perform the checking of the landing_urls and to check the health of the network is all done in the Worker, running as Sidekiq jobs.