Code snippets allow the harvest operator to create pieces of code that can be used across different parsers.

Default Values

One of the uses for snippets can be to define default values. For example we could define a @@truncate_length variable that holds the default value for the number of characters that a description might have.

To do this create a snippet.

In snippet “Default Values”

@@truncate_length = 10

In parser definition

class TestSource < HarvesterCore::Xml::Base
  include_snippet "Default Values"
  attribute :description, xpath: "//description", truncate: @@truncate_length

Block definitions

A block definition that would need to be reused across parsers or fields can be reused.

To create the block definition do the following:

In a snippet “License Definition”

@@license_definition = do
  fetch("//license").mapping.... # Write whatever you would write in any block definition.

In parser definition

class TestSource < HarvesterCore::Xml::Base
  include_snippet "License Definition"
  attribute :license, &@@license_definition

The above example would be the exact equivalent of doing the following:

class TestSource < HarvesterCore::Xml::Base
  attribute :license do
    fetch("//license").mapping.... # Write whatever you would write in any block definition.


A hash can be defined as a mapping that can latter be reused in any parser.

In a snippet “License Mappings”

@@license_mapping = {
  ".*Attribution$" => "CC-BY",
  ".*Attribution_-_Share_Alike$" => "CC-BY-SA",
  ".*Attribution_-_No_Derivatives$" => "CC-BY-ND",
  ".*Attribution_-_Non-commercial$" => "CC-BY-NC",
  ".*Attribution_-_Non-commercial_-_Share_Alike$" => "CC-BY-NC-SA",
  ".*Attribution_-_Non-Commercial_-_No_Derivatives$" => "CC-BY-NC-ND"

In parser definition

class TestSource < HarvesterCore::Xml::Base
  include_snippet "License Mappings"
  attribute :license, xpath: "//license", mapping: @@license_mapping

Multiple attribute definitions

You can even define any number of attributes or directives that you would use in any particular parser and include them.

In a snippet “OAI default fields”

attribute :date,              from: "dc:date", date: true
attribute :display_date,      from: "dc:date", date: "%d/%m/%Y"
attribute :format,            from: "dc:format"
attribute :title,             from: "dc:title"
attribute :coverage,          from: "dc:coverage"
class SomeOAI < HarvesterCore::Oai::Base
  include_snippet "OAI default fields"

The code above would be the equivalent of doing this:

class SomeOAI < HarvesterCore::Oai::Base
  attribute :date,                from: "dc:date", date: true
  attribute :display_date,        from: "dc:date", date: "%d/%m/%Y"
  attribute :format,              from: "dc:format"
  attribute :title,               from: "dc:title"
  attribute :coverage,            from: "dc:coverage"